
#Pts studied

Pts status

Correlations found and/or comments

Goranova-Marinova (2007) [21]


At diagnosis

1. OPG levels higher in MM compared to HI 2. The OPG/creatinin ratio eliminated the difference 3. OPG levels correlared with b2M and reversely with MBD*

Martini (2006) [22]


At diagnosis

(smoldering myeloma)

OPG levels lower in MM compared to HI

Terpos (2005) [23]


Refractory (7) or relapsed (28) myeloma

1. OPG levels higher in MM before treatment compared to HI 2. The OPG/creatinin ratio eliminated the difference

Kraj (2005) [24]


1. OPG levels higher in MM compared to HI 2. OPG levels higher in pts with renal failure and hypercalcemia 3. OPG levels correlated with age, b2M and bone marrow OPG concentrations

Depil (2005) [25]


At diagnosis 39 asymptomatic 101 mptomatic

1. OPG levels higher in MM compared to HI 2. No statistically significant difference between symptomatic and asymptomatic MM pts 3. OPG levels correlated with b2M and creatinine 4. High OPG levels associated with a poorer survival

Corso (2004) [26]


39 at diagnosis 64 treated

OPG higher in MM and MGUS compared to HI.

Kyrtsonis (2004) [27]


27 at diagnosis 5 at remission

1. OPG levels higher in MM compared to HI OPG levels correlated with b2M

Terpos (2004) [28]


4 at CR, 44 at PR 3 progressive/resistant

OPG levels lower in MM pre-ASCT compared to HI

Terpos (2003) [20]


At diagnosis

1. OPG levels lower in MM compared to HI 2. OPG levels correlared with b2M, CRP and IL-6 levels, and inversely with MBD and serum markers of bone resorption

Seidel (2001) [29]


At diagnosis

1. OPG levels lower in MM compared to HI 2. OPG levels correlated with serum markers of bone formation and inversely with MBD and performance status